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The Cultural Association Dimensione Polifonica was founded by Maestro Biagio Terracciano and by Dr. Ileana Parascandolo in June 1988. The Association, an organization of regional importance, aims at spreading the ancient music by means of meetings, concerts, seminars, refresher courses and events. It collaborates with the main artistic and cultural institutions such as the "Comune", the "Provincia", the "Regione", The Academy of Music, the "Soprintendenza" and so on, having the consulence of the main authorities in the field.

The vocal group Dimensione Polifonica was founded in 1984. It is specialized in the execution of sacred and secular polyphony of the renaissance and baroque repertoire. The concert activity of the group is considerable. It has participated to the most important national and international events among which the XV Edition of the International Polyphonyc Examination G. D'Arezzo, the XXXIII International Happening of Musical Chapels of Loreto, the XVII Edition of Polyphonyc Meetings of Pescara and the II International Musical Tournment of Rome. The vocal group has performed in a world preview L. Leo's unpublished "Dixit Dominus" for choir, violins and thorough bass only. The group has done many radio recordings and it has regularly cooperated with the archiepiscopal Curia of Naples, the University "Federico II" and the Academy of Musical "S. Pietro a Majella". The vocal group "Dimensione Polifonica" has been founded by Maestro Biagio Terracciano, who is also its permanent Director.

Exbition Adeste Fidelis


Biagio Terracciano,
 pianist, choir and orchestra Director, has a diploma with distinction in piano at the Academy of Music "S.Pietro a Majella" in Naples and a honours degree with a historical musicologic specialization in Italian Literature. Since 1984 he has been studying and doing research on ancient music, specializing in the practice of the renaissance and baroque polyphony both sacred and secular. In the same year he founded the vocal group "Dimensione Polifonica" which he has been instructing and directing since then. Having distinguished himself during international courses of specialization both for orchestration and choir conduction organized by the Directors D.Bartolucci (Director for life of the Cappella Sistina), R.R. Duarte, J. Jurgens, B. Zagni he has also participated to the International Courses of Urbino for the vocality and the execution of the baroque music. He has published many articles and essays on ancient music and on sacred polyphony. In 1997 he revised L. Leo's unpublished "Dixit Domus" donating the score of it to Maestro R. De Simone of the Academy of Music of Naples. In 1988 he founded the Cultural Association "Dimensione Polifonica", an organization of regional importance, of which he is the President. As an expert of liturgical music he cooperates with the Cathedral of Naples. In 1990 he played the organ during the John Paul IInd celebration of the High Mass in Piazza del Plebiscito. Since 1991 he has been the Director of the Schola Cantorum of the Cathedral of Naples, which performs during the most important liturgies, celebrated by the Cardinal Michele Giordano. He is the founder and instructing director of the choir of white voices "S. Maria della Rotonda". He is the Secretary of the Diocesan Commission of sacred music, conductor of many chamber groups and artistic director of many musical happenings.

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